Tuesday, November 26, 2019
What are the logistical difficulties of the coalition action and what was the medias role Essays
What are the logistical difficulties of the coalition action and what was the medias role Essays What are the logistical difficulties of the coalition action and what was the medias role Essay What are the logistical difficulties of the coalition action and what was the medias role Essay On Wednesday the 19th of March 2003, America and England declared war on Iraq. They felt this to be necessary in order to stop Saddam Husseins Evil regime as he tells around 4 million people each year, they also thought war to be necessary in order to liberate the Iraqi people. Another reason they felt the need to proceed with this war because intelligence leads the politicians to believe that Saddam has chemical, biological and nuclear weapons of mass destruction which he uses to torture his own people. There are many more reasons for war, for example, Hussein is an evil dictator and has been treating his people badly for over 20 years and Iraqis have therefore been living in fear.Saddam also supports suicide bombers by paying their families large sums of money. Iraq has been committing war crimes for many years now while the world has tried to be tolerant. It is also important to remove Saddams power or end his reign before he attacks England, America, or any of the other countries in the United Nations in a form of revenge. U.S troops have found factories where the bombs were made including a chemical plant in the south of Baghdad. This war is also needed in order to make Iraq a democratic country so they can elect the own leader and make Iraqi people safe and stop Saddam from killing his own people, and using their money to pay for their torture and sometimes, their murder.However, many people disagree with the war and they show this by protesting. Most would say the reasons for not going to war greatly outweigh the reasons for war. Here are the majority of them. It would cost at least 19,000 pounds to make the necessary amount of bombs and this could be much more useful resources such as medical or educational equipment. Out of all U.S. military, over 51 have been killed and 14 are missing. Out of U.K. military, more than 12 troops are dead, and over 30 are missing. From Iraqi military, in excess of 1,500 have been killed , of the civilians the figures of prisoners of war that have been killed, injured or missing in action has risen to 5,898,000. Nearly 24,000 were killed or injured by daisy cutter bombs. So far there have been over 10,000 deaths each day. 9 news presenters have been killed, and two are missing. None of these deaths were necessary, they are the result of a war that most do not want, of find to be justified.People think that Tony Blair and George Bush are seeking revenge and probably have a hidden motive for this war. One of these could be that once the war is over, America will have to rebuild Iraq, when this is done, Iraq will then owe the U.S.A however much money they spent to rebuild Iraq. Iraq does not and will not have enough money to do this, so they will probably pay them with petroleum, as they are extremely rich in this source.There are three saying that have been used in protests against this war, The first isIncrease the peace make love not war.The second is,It is a war of hungry tiger and tied donkey (Ira q being the tied donkey)And the third is,Two wrongs dont make a rightEach of these sayings have a meaning behind them. The first one, I think, speaks for itself, is saying that whatever the situation, we should strive to achieve greater peace rather than retaliate or head for war as a resolution. The third saying tells us that you can not fight an injustice with an injustice, and quoting Martin Luther King,I truly believe that the eye for an eye method will ultimately leave everybody blind.Finally the second saying, this has the most meaning of the three as it shows that Iraqis have no choice but to fight, even though they will ultimately loose the war, no matter what they do, as they are too weak and they do not have the necessary equipment, soldiers or protection that they should if they were to stand a chance.There is one last very popular saying used in protests against war in Iraq,Not in my nameThis is a very powerful statement because as our leader and prime minister, Tony Bla ir should do as Great Britain wish, but by using this quote, they are saying that this war is not in our name and that he does not have the support of over 80% of the British population to go through and follow Bushs footsteps to war, he is doing what he wants to do but he is not fulfilling the wishes of Great Britain as a whole and so he is abusing his position and is not doing his job as he should be.Some people oppose the war because they do not want higher taxes, as this is what will happen when the war is over in order in order to afford the money rebuild Iraq. Others just do not agree with the suffering. For example one Iraqi man has lost eleven members of his family. Many children are malnourished and without families. Also, the body of an Iraqi baby was found on a main street and U.S troops give baby Muslims burials. For the few babies born since the war began, thousands have been killed. One particular boy called Ali Abbas was at home when a bomb went of very near by, his p arents and both of his brothers were killed, he himself was left without arms., Ali has become a bit of an icon of the suffering of Iraqis as he is one of thousands of children who have been injured and/or orphaned.Some disagree because it goes against general convention, the U.N did not want the war, and it goes against the rules of religion. Also they do not think that families should have been destroyed, due to the harm caused by some of the 2,000 lb TNTs or daisy cutter bombs, which have already killed over 24,000 people.Many people see it to be unnecessary for the U.S to have done some of the things they have, for example, they have bombed radio and TV stations in order to stop bias opinions being broadcast. They believe that the media lies, and that there are many innocent people that have been disabled, injured or even killed, and also that many women and children have been harmed both physically and emotionally, and some even mentally.However many families who have relatives in the war fear that they will become prisoners of war and be tortured on TV as other people and U.S troops have been.Logistical issues are all about tactics, problems, equipment, conditions and planning.Tactics were crucial in this war because in order for the U.S.A and the U.K to be successful, they had to think carefully about how they would overcome any obstacles that they could be faced with. They decided to do the following.They would stay in the deserts of Basra, and when Iraq were still not yet prepared the were going to slowly accelerate towards the centre of Baghdad, the capital city. On their route they would destroy anything that represented Saddam Husseins power such as portraits, statues, patches of land, houses or palaces or even his property. Once they are in Baghdad they will attempt to cease Saddam Hussein and his workers, in order to end the reign of Saddam Hussein and his evil ways.Some of the conditions that might cause problems for the troops are 24 hour sands torms which are also costly for the government who now have to fund for gas masks for each of the troops, these average out at around à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½12 each.Also the extreme heat could cause some annoyance as it is estimated that 10% of troops that will die, will die from some sort of heat related death.There are quite a few problems that may occur for the soldiers. Some of these are listed here. Supplies are a major issue. Important substances such as petrol, food and water take a long time to get to the soldiers as the tanks can only travel 30 miles a day. This is because the lorries behind them cannot drive through soft terrain, therefore the tanks have to build makeshift roads that the lorries can handle, therefore slowing down the tanks and all of the supplies. Supplies can also be slowed down by the narrow roads in Iraq, which are too narrow for the tanks to fit through. This would mean that the tanks would have to turn back and take a different route, therefore delaying the supp lies. Also if sand gets in the weapons they will be destroyed and with the sandstorms, this is hard to prevent. Another problem is the Iraqi people, because at the end of this, when they have removed Saddam, if the Iraqi people will not stand up for themselves and join America in their campaign, then all of the money, effort and lives would have been wasted.Their plan was also very important as they had to make sure they had gained the trust of the Iraqis as the last attempt to overthrow Saddam, led by George Bush Senior, ended in failure as the U.S backed out of Iraq too early, this led to Saddam Hussein slaughtering and torturing the millions of Iraqi people who stood up against him.The allied forces have a great range of weapons which they will use. These not only consist of riffles and batons, but also of B52 bombers, tanks and many more. However these must not be used in the wrong way, for example one bomb was dropped in a market square in the centre of Baghdad, killing many in nocent civilians and injuring even more.The media has played a critical role in this war. They have kept us informed about the war every day. Sky news even cut off all normal news, adverts and programs to make itself a 24 hour news report channel on the war in Iraq. This would have cost Sky a lot of money because they get the majority of their profit from companies and their advertisements, or television producing organisations for their items.When it comes to the newspapers, there have only been two newspapers that have been blatantly against the war on Iraq. They are The mirror and The evening standard. These two newspapers both constantly been writing everything that went wrong ended with innocent deaths or injuries, in order to try to change the opinions of the members of the public who did not oppose the war.The sun has supported the war from the get go. They have, on the contrary of the other two papers, made frequent positive remarks and reports on the war, and have made excu ses for any negative stories.Apart from the three newspapers that I have mentioned above , all the other have been very unbiased and seemingly quite honest. Many program timetables have been altered to broadcast as much up-to-date information as frequently as possible. The radio have allocated four different radio stations to broadcast 24hour reports in Arabic, for the first two, and the other two are in English. Finally music channels like MTV have banned all songs and videos that contain anything war related such as Madonnas song American lifeThe media reports in Iraq have been minimal as the Americans destroyed the broadcasting building in an attempt to stop biased reports.I believe that this war is wrong because it is not a war of religions, beliefs or truth as we would be led to believe, but a war of politics, and limbs, lives and families should not be hurt, destroyed or lo0st, for politics.
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